Описание изображения




一人ひとりの学習ニーズにきめ細かく対応 Linguaschoolsは、時間をかけて生徒の声に耳を傾け、ニーズを理解します。年間を通じて様々なスペイン語コースや質の高いサービスを提供しているだけでなく、個々のニーズに合わせたオーダーメイドの学習プログラムを専門に扱っています。
プレミアムな品質を適正価格で Linguaschoolsの教師は、経験豊かなプロフェッショナルであり、教室に情熱と熱意をもたらします。少人数制のクラスは、最も楽しく、効果的な学習環境を提供すると私たちは考えています。アットホームな雰囲気の学校は、まるで自宅のように感じることができ、中心部に位置しているため、必要なものはすべて揃っています。
世界的な認知度 / Linguaschoolsは、世界中の多くの一流大学、教育機関、奨学金プログラムによって認められています。私たちのプログラムは、マドリード商工会議所、Bildungsurlaub、CSNなど、有名な機関から承認され、認定されています。
Since 2005 Linguaschoolsは開校以来、私たちは世界中から様々なバックグラウンドを持つ学習者を受け入れてきました。現在はスペインと中南米の13校で、毎年何千人もの生徒を迎えています。生徒は世界中から集まっており、80を超える国・地域の生徒が勉強しています。
忘れられない文化体験 スペイン語の学習は文化を体験することによってより実りあるものになり、より楽しく、より早く学ぶことができます。一年中開催されるアクティビティプログラムでは、地元の文化やホットスポットを紹介し、忘れられない体験となるよう工夫しています。また、地域社会と密接に関わり、持続可能なツーリズムにも取り組んでいます。









Director of studies
Working with a great team of teachers we make sure all our students get the personal attention they deserve. This way they get the most out of their stay at our school.


Activity coordinator in Barcelona
I love to start the week welcoming all students on Monday with homemade Sangria.


Student consultant
Working here is dynamic. Every day is a little bit different. The tasks change, the students change and that makes my job exciting.


Cleaning lady
I love to work at Linguaschools Tamarindo because there's a great atmosphere in the school and I have a great relation with students and my colleagues.


Accommodation coordinator
Working at Linguaschools Cusco is great! I will help you if you have any doubt about your accommodation and your meals in our residence or in your host family.


Spanish teacher
I have been a teacher at Linguaschools Cusco for many years now. I have met incredible people who have shared their experiences with me, and this has truly enriched my professional and personal life!


Academic coordinator
I am responsible for the academic part of the school in Tamarindo. I also organise the planning of the courses and the teachers. I am happy to be able to apply my knowledge in the field of teaching Spanish as a foreign language.


Spanish teacher
What I like most about teaching here is getting to know people from different countries, who have different backgrounds and have made different experiences in life. They teach me more than I teach them.


Spanish teacher
I love to be a teacher, learn from my students and motivate them to make the most of their learning journey and enjoy it at the same time.


Spanish teacher
Working at the Linguaschools school in Cusco is incredible, as it gives me the chance to combine two of my passions: one is teaching Spanish and the other one is cultural exchange with people from all around the world.


Student consultant
I've always had an interest in languages but hadn't studied Spanish before moving to Barcelona. Now I have mastered the Spanish language and can use it to travel to other parts of Spain and to really get to know the local people.


Spanish teacher
I love to be a teacher, learn from my students and motivate them to make the most of their learning journey and enjoy it at the same time.


Spanish teacher
I love my work because the students come with a lot of motivation. It’s also so educational to meet people of different countries and ages.


Student consultant
I've been at Linguaschools Valencia since 2015. And I feel this school is my house, a place where I've grown professionally, but also where I've met a new family.


Spanish teacher
Being a Spanish teacher is wonderful. I enjoy transmitting my culture and language to my students a lot. I love it when my students start to speak Spanish with each other outside the classroom.


Student consultant
We're like a big family in the office. We work and laugh together. We simply love our job and that's something you can say when looking into the faces of your colleagues.


Spanish teacher
Being a Spanish teacher is special. It seems like a continuing journey without leaving my city. The interaction with people from all over the world not only enriches your personal development, it also helps you to have more respect for other cultures and lifestyles.


Spanish teacher
We work hard to help the students to learn Spanish, but we also learn a lot from them! It's like bringing the world into a classroom, a meeting point of different cultures.


Student consultant
It's great to work at Linguaschools Valencia. You get the chance to meet people from all over the world, so you learn a lot every day. It's a truly multicultural and positive environment.


Spanish teacher
I love my work because the students come with a lot of motivation. It’s also so educational to meet people of different countries and ages.


Spanish teacher
I love the mix of cultures that we have at school. It is great to teach students the Spanish language and hear them speaking the language. My experience teaching Spanish is one of the best experiences in my life.


Spanish teacher
What I like most about teaching here is getting to know people from different countries, who have different backgrounds and have made different experiences in life. They teach me more than I teach them.


School director
It is a real joy welcoming students from all over the world. My mission is to make our school their home away from home.